My name is Noah Green. I’m an attorney in specialized business litigation. I care deeply about the business community. I grew up in my dad’s shoe store. I’m a small business owner. Small and midsize business owners are my clients. These are the people I love. These are the backbone
My name is Noah Green. I’m an attorney. I specialize in representing small and mid-sized business owners. And over the more than 20 years that I’ve done this, I tend to see the same mistakes over and over again. And there’s four in particular that I see almost every day
These are the four biggest business mistakes that I see my clients make, and I hope that those out there watching this video can learn from that and avoid these mistakes themselves.
Noah Green and The Green Firm are defending small and mid-sized businesses against shakedown lawsuits. A shakedown lawsuit is when you think of a frivolous or ridiculous case.
I’m Noah Green and at The Green Firm we do what’s necessary to prepare the case, go to court and meet them there and dare them to prove their case. That’s what I’ve been doing for my clients and that’s what I hope I can do for others.